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About me

Research on Horror Narative Technique (week 11)

To help me with the development of narrative technique, I look into popular narrative techniques that is suitable for the genre of...

Research on Beauty standards (week 10)

By doing research on the beauty standard of today's society, I realised that our beauty standard had long embedded to our daily life,...

Research on Plastic surgery (week 10)

Based on the feedback I received from interim, I did further research (secondary research) on my topic. Soon Irealised the problem here...

Concept &The issue (week 9)

Once I gather enough information from my interview, I started to look into issues around our surroundings in aspect such as social,...

Pre-week 1 (week 14)

Based on my interim presentation in week 12, I have recieve feedbacks & constructive criticism on my work. A few aspect that I agree that...

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