Description boards
Board 1 (Introduction to my topic) Board 2 (stereotypes & cliches of character portrayal in romance media)
Board 1 (Introduction to my topic) Board 2 (stereotypes & cliches of character portrayal in romance media)
This week I went to laser cut my tokens that I need for my project. I have an idea in mind however I am not sure whether I can execute it...
This week we visited FabU cafe which is located at ss18 to have our laser cut workshop. We learned the basic operation of the machine...
In this class, we learned how to create the layout of the website. Laying out a website <div>......</div> - use to divide or section of a...
On today's lesson, we continue learning about CSS "Cascading Style Sheet" Linking the CSS file to HTML file Internal Method (2nd in...
- progress on project & class work This week, we have our first face to face class. During our class, we learned different things related...
Based on the method of organisation "L.A.T.C.H", I try to categoried my data using location, category & hierachy. Therefore, using the...
While analysing my data, I started to make some sketches for my infographic. Using the semiontic exercise we did previously, I try to...
To help me further understand how different content on the media influence it's audience I did a week of self observation on the content...
Based on my interviews, and survey here is some of the informations and insights I have found out After a week of collecting data from my...
Based on my interim presentation in week 12, I have recieve feedbacks & constructive criticism on my work. A few aspect that I agree that...
James Victore is an American art director, designer, and author. I found him and his work interesting is because of something he said in...
From what I understand, there are 3 types of signs which is icon, index and symbol. Icon representation of a concept similar resemblance...
This week, I started to complete my survey questions. The objective of the survey is to understand how the media influence our...
Growing up watching Disney movies, my expectation of a “Happily Ever After” are always link to finding love or being in a relationship....
In this week class, we are ask to record data of anything we do from Monday to Thursday. I choose to record "how many times I drink ?" I...
Research objective: I would like to research more on... "How people feel about being single in 21st century?" Research questions: General...
Determining my research questions: To help me further determined my research direction I came up with a few research questions. The first...
In today class, we learned about research framework. Learning about each of this process help me to understand how am I supposed to...
Using the divergent test I try to find 3 potential topics that I would like to research further for my translation and transmission...