Based on the feedback I received from interim, I did further research (secondary research) on my topic. Soon Irealised the problem here is not so much on plastic surgery itself. However, the main problem is on our beauty standards that make beauty impossible to achieve naturally unless undergoing surgery or body enhancement. (Tan, 2020) This in return encourage people to change their body & appearance to fit in, which is an unhealthy mindset in general.
The reason it is important to look further into this issue is because the Plastic surgery industry is on the rise and shows no sign of slowing down. (Harris, 2016) According to statistic, almost 18 million people underwent surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures in the United States in 2018 ("New Plastic Surgery Statistics", 2019), while nearly 1 million procedures a year is done in South Korea.(Jacobs & Zheng, 2018) Therefore, what cause this industry to be on the rise? Is it because unattractive is associated with failure, unpopularity and romantic rejection or are we just chasing ideals that are set by popular opinion?
Culture of Plastic Surgery
Korea is known for their expertise in the plastic surgery field, so I would be taking a look into the culture of plastic surgery in Korea. The trend of plastic surgery originally started in the late 1950’s to early 1960’s, where American military doctors performed double-eyelid surgeries to fix the “oriental eyes of native patients. (Lee, 2019) Therefore, the trend of reconstructive surgery as self-enhancement is born, so how does it influence the current society?
It is well known that undergoing plastic surgery in Korea is very common. Parents even give high school students cosmetic surgery as a graduation present. (EXPOSÉ, 2018) Therefore, Korean feel pressured by the society to be beautiful or to be “above normal” (Lee, 2019). The pressure majority of the times comes from their brought up where it is known that South-Korea is a hyper-conformist society, so everyone wants to look the same. (EXPOSÉ, 2018)
Besides, many Koreans believe that looking more conventionally beautiful in South Korea has many advantages. One of the patients of plastic surgery said that “The changes to her appearance have noticeably benefited her as a member of society” (Lee,2019). Moreover, many Koreans believe going under the knife would improve their chance at finding jobs or future partner. Therefore, plastic surgeons say that there is a rise in the number of patients whenever recruitment season rolls around. (EXPOSÉ, 2018)
Furthermore, the culture of plastic surgery is integrated into daily life of South Korean as advertisement of cosmetic procedure is everywhere in subway stations, buses, and streets. The influence of plastic surgery is certainly strong in Korea as they lived in a society that tells people that they should look a certain way or shames them for not getting surgery. (EXPOSÉ, 2018)
In conclusion, the culture of plastic surgery is created not just for the sake of wanting to look beautiful. However, due to the pressure they received from society, friends & family they feel the need to change their appearances to fit into the beauty standards. As mentioned before they feel benefited as a member of society by being pretty. Therefore, changing their appearance had such a strong impact that is similar to changing one's life, fate & future.
EXPOSÉ, K. (2018). Why is Plastic Surgery so Popular in South Korea? | KOREA 101. Retrieved 28 July 2020, from
Harris, S. (2016). Factory Faces: How Cosmetic Surgery Became the Norm - View the VIBE. Retrieved 28 July 2020, from
Jacobs, H., & Zheng, A. (2018). People have the wrong idea about the 3 most popular procedures in South Korea, the plastic surgery capital of the world. Retrieved 28 July 2020, from est-misconception-2018-6#:~:text=SEOUL%20%E2%80%94With%20the%20hi ghest%20rate,29%20have%20had%20plastic%20surgery.
Lee, A. (2019). HuffPost is now a part of Verizon Media. Retrieved 28 July 2020, from 22c00e1
Tan, W. (2020). We need to stop chasing unrealistic beauty standards in Asia and start feeling beautiful. Retrieved 28 July 2020, from