Based on this week class (video) , there is a total of 4 steps in research review.
1st: Make sense of research
By making sense it means to read and understand the objective of our project, so it will guide our research in the future. We can do that by reading our project brief.
2nd: Important points
Take note and write down important points that is relevant for your research.
3rd: Research
Based on the points you took down, if the're questions arises do further research on it.
TIPS on doing research
- skim through to identify points
- find reliable sources
- don't ignore different view or perspective
4th: Organised research
Conclude your research and write it in a sentence. Besides, show how does it support your topics and how you can make use of this information. Lastly, ask questions to further your research.
In conclusion: SIMPLE. SHORT. DIRECT