On week 5, I am still working on the content for my EAOT. Here is some of the research I have completed:
Research on the history of humour through the years
The 90s-00s (sitcoms & movies)
Observational humour: a form of humour based on the commonplace aspects of everyday life
Physical humour: a form of comedy focused on manipulation of the body for a humorous effect
Transform humour: An objection after the agreement, and it clarifies their own point of view unexpectedly with the purpose
Sarcastic humour: A form of humour that is often satirical or ironic that usually is directed against an individual.
Verbal humour: A form of wordplay strive to achieve a humorous effect
“Mo Lei Tau” humour (make no sense): Cantonese genre of comedy which is a kind of anarchy comedy in which you ignore everything you know and just go with the flow.
The 00s-10s (mockumentary & movies & cartoons)
Aggressive Humour: a form of humour involves putting-downs or insults targeted toward individuals.
Distortion humour: both parties don’t understand each other, that brings a sense of humour to make people laugh
Satire humour/ Parody: the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices.
The 10s - 20s
Surreal comedy: A form of humour predicated on deliberate violations of causal reasoning, producing events and behaviours that are obviously illogical.
Anti-humor: A form of humour that is intentionally not funny, or lacking in intrinsic meaning
Inside humour: A form of humour which requires special knowledge in order to be appreciated by the audience
Dark humour: A form of humour involving a twist or joke making the joke seen as offensive, harsh, horrid
Self-deprecating humour: A form of humour for us to laugh at ourselves and not take our faults too seriously.
Conclusion (1 pg):
Ahh, where do I even start? Humour is such a complex topic with history that dates back to the early age of civilization. Fun fact!! The earliest form of comedy recorded is in 1900 BC, which is by the Sumerian. The topic of humour is also subjective, as things certain people may find funny does not necessarily appeal to you. Therefore, throughout ages humour have evolved tremendously mirroring the people who find it funny. Just by comparing humour a decade ago, it seems to have such a stark contrast to the humour of today.
Looking back, in the 90s to early 10s most of the time humour or comedy follow some sort of structure & formula as it consists of jokes, punchline, humour & a scenario to give it’s humour some sort of context… which most of the time actually MAKE SENSE. However, in recent years the genre, introduce a new type of comedy that tends to tear down everything we about this genre and is somehow dark & absurd. So why is this type of humour so prominent with the younger generation of today’s society?
Here is a brief look into the things I wanted to include for my EAOT, most of the research done for this part is a mix of secondary & primary researches. I have used secondary research to help me find & determine all the different type of humour available. Secondly, through my observation & consumption of comedy content, I have categorised them according to the different timeline.