Based on 4 fields of design by Tharp and Tharp 2006, the four fields of design are commercial design, responsible design, experimental design and discursive design.
Commercial Design
Based on my understanding, this field of design focus on creating useful and affordable products that are specifically directed towards the market/ consumers. The success of a product could be determined by the profit earned (economic).
Responsible Design
From what I know, responsible design is design that focus on helping/ coping issues that we are currently facing by creating product that is useful to solved the problem. The design could sometimes be related with commercial design, however the main intention is not it.
Experimental Design
This field is a small part in design, and they are heavily focus on exploration, experimentation and discovery. They belief that the process is much more important than the outcome because it depict motivation and curiosity. Similar to responsible design, it could be marketed but it's not the main intention of it.
Discursive Design
This field of design usually create artwork that communicates a message towards their audience. It's work would more likely be visible in exhibitions, print or film. The main purposed of the artwork is to to raise awareness/ understanding on issues. However, it could sometimes be found in marketplaces too.
Based on my understanding, we are required to understand this 4 field of design because we would need to use our knowledge on this for our new project (Graphic Design Map). Although I am still very confused on what exactly we need to do, I think I had a clear understanding on each of this field.