The start of week 1 is pretty simple as we were brief on what to expect in this course as well as the projects, deadline etc. During class, we also did an activity where we were to complete the sentence "A graphic designer is..." Through the activity, I actually got to see & understand my classmate's view on the topic so it is quite entertaining & interesting.
From the first class, I am kinda nervous ngl as we straight dive into what we have to do for phase 1 of the course. Besides, we were given a task to complete some online personality test, answer the 8 questions listed on the slides and watch the recommended video called "Your work is a gift by James Victore"
Personality test results
Creative Type: The Visionary
Changemaker Type: Communicator
16Personality Type (MBTI): INFP-T
8 Provocations
Theme 1 / What do you enjoy?
Having fun
Spending time with family and friends
Having time to myself (relaxation or small hobbies that allow me to relax)
Watching shows/ movies ( I enjoy analysing the plot lines )
Keeping up with the latest trends
Enjoying funny & fun content on different media platforms
Listening to true-crime podcast & conspiracy theory videos
Finding new & interesting stuff
Theme 2 / What do you fear?
Betrayal and being alone
Not being successful financially
Realisign pursuing my dream is not the best choice i made (regretting my life choices)
Wasting my life or not living my life to the fullest
Theme 3 / What do you want from the course?
Able to find myself and understand what I wanna do in the future
Find my strength in design
Set me on the right path on what type of designer I want to be
Theme 4 / What can you offer the course?
My hardwork, effort & dedication
Theme 5 / Where do you want to be/what do you
want to be doing two years from now?
Work with brands that I love & liked ( maybe those who shares the same value)
Work with popular brands & international brands
Creating my own artworks and works that touch people heart
Have a distinct art style that is loved by others
Have my message send across to other people (affirmations & encouragement)
Doing something I liked as well as enjoying it (the ikigai)
Theme 6 / Which designers / illustrators provide a
context or inspiration for the type of work you want
to do?
Keith Harring
James Victore
Theme 7 / What current issues might graphic
designers need to focus on or address?
Social issues (bullying, racial issues, gender inequality, assault)
Human rights (child labour, forced labour, slavery)
Mental health (depression, anxiety, etc)
Enviromental issues (
Theme 8 / How would you define bad design or
Design which Create work that amplifies true stories of people & experience
Design that is not aesthetically pleasing
Design that is not useful or redundant when it is made to be help people (product design)
10 S.O.I (draft/ first version)
- Create work that amplifies true stories of people & experience
- Creating artwork that brings a sense of comfort to myself & the people around me
- Empathy & Relatable artwork that touches people heart
- Works that showcase me & my perspective of the topic
- Works that contribute to the community I am in
- Prioritised doing what I believe is right (truthful & honest)
- Work hard, play hard (balance in work & own time)
-Making people feel comfortable in their own skin
- Myself, Family, Friends > Work
- Have an open mindset when working on any projects as well as receive feedback & criticism (people voices & opinion is important)