Possible concept
ARG - reality gaming of maybe finding love
Researches on Eva story and other reality gamings.
This concept is inspired by the show Love Alarm which talks about a reality where a dating app is able to detect your love for the other person.
Thinking that the storyline could be about how there is an app that guarantee success in finding love but in the end it would lead them to understand self love
However, this idea might seem interesting, but I don’t think it may be suitable for my idea as I am not quite sure how to showcase the data this way nevertheless it’s an interesting concept and I maybe could apply it for my future projects.
Red String of Fate - inspired by the concept of connection and finding your loved ones
Researches on the idea and origin of the red string of fate and also find inspiration of this concept in others practitioners work
Thinking of a concept of string art to showcase the data
The art piece would communicate and show how media swayed peoples ideal partner and relationship and start to develop something that is far from reality (high standard and false perception of love)
However, no matter how much I like this concept and execution after much research, development and thinking it did not work out so unfortunately I have to give up on this topic and think about something else.
Media - mockery on romance content in media such as cliche and stereotypes
Researches on the cliches and stereotypes of media and the impact of the media
Concept of how romance content is repetitive and we should not be influence by them
I am thinking the execution of this concept could be an interactive art piece on how different cliche combinations would still lead to a show/ movie, showing how romance media is so predictable.
After much consideration and thinking out of the concept this one feels more concrete as I have a somewhat of a clear direction ahead on how I am planning to execute and do it. Therefore, I continue to explore and develop this concept.